在同一個太陽底下: 重新構思華埠的邊緣
Chinatown’s 2nd Annual Contemporary Arts Festival
5 - 10 pm on Saturday, September 30, 2023
800 Grant Avenue, San Francisco CA 94108
This event has passed. We’ll be back in 2024!
Edge on the Square presents Under the Same Sun: Reimagining the Edges of Chinatown, its second annual contemporary art festival, to celebrate the enduring radiance of San Francisco Chinatown. As constant as the sun, are the residents, community members, organizations who continue to rise, persist and shine in the face of adversity. The past year has yielded moments of darkness; extending from the war in Ukraine to polarized rulings by the US Supreme Court impacting Americans’ freedoms, civil rights and liberties. The overturning of Roe vs Wade, affirmative action, and support of discriminatory policies are poignant reminders that the critical work for social justice and equity are continuous and ongoing.
Further within these tempos, the festival meditates on the voices, histories, and footnotes that contribute to the resilient luminosity of Chinatown, both sunlit and shaded: in the silhouetted crevices of multigenerational households, the afterglow of revolutions, and in the life and labor of all who identify with Chinatown as a landing spot of diverse togetherness. At Edge on the Square, we ask how we can crystallize illumination into revelation, potent regeneration into progress, and healing transformation of harms and burns into collective power?
The one-day festival brings together over 20 Asian American and BIPOC artists and their multimedia artworks, installations, activations and performances to reflect on contemporary issues, questions and concerns relating to individual and collective freedoms, identities, and civil liberties. Along with cultural partners, arts organizations, and community residents - the coalition of voices amplify unity and solidarity within multi and cross-cultural experiences and histories. Under the same sun, from the center to the ‘edges’ of Chinatown and beyond, we glisten with the resilience of the past, tenacity of now, and earned optimism for a future powered by collective action, persistent courage, and wise hope.
Featured artists and collectives include: Ahn Lee, Alex S (Lower Grand Radio), Al Wong, Bahar Behbahani, Carol Anne McChrystal, Cone Shape Top, Connie Zheng, Duniya Dance + Drum, Erika Chong Shuch, Hang Huynh, Indira Allegra, K-12 Youth Performance Group, Kim Ip, LionDanceME, Lisa Solomon x Christine Buckton Tillman, Macro Waves, Patty Chang, Sierra Katow, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, TNT Traysikel, Yangyifan Dong x Kaming Lee, YiuYiu 瑶瑶 (Chinatown Records).
Curated by Candace Huey and esteemed guest curators Erina Alejo, PJ Gubatina Policarpio, and Sara Wessen Chang

Participating Artists
Ahn Lee
Cone Shape Top
Al Wong
Connie Zheng
Bahar Behbahani
Duniya Dance and Drum
Carol Anne McChrystal
Erika Chong Shuch
Hang Huynh
Indira Allegra
Kim Ip
Lisa Solomon & Christine Buckton Tillman
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Lower Grand Radio
TNT Traysikel
Macro Waves
Yangyifan Dong x Kaming Lee
Patty Chang
YiuYiu 瑶瑶
Check out the mixtape by festival artist YiuYiu 瑶瑶 from Chinatown Records!
Edge on the Square Acknowledges the Generous Support of:
California Governor Gavin Newsom 加州州長紐森 , California Assemblymember Phil Ting 加州眾議員丁右立 , California State Legislature 加州議會 , California State Librarian 加州圖書館 , San Francisco Mayor London Breed 三藩市市長布里德 , San Francisco Board of Supervisors 三藩市參事委員會 , San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development 三藩市經濟及勞動力發展辦公室 , San Francisco Arts Commission 三藩市藝術委員會 , San Francisco Grants for the Arts 三藩市藝術補助金 , Foundation for Quality Housing Opportunities, Inc. 優質住房機會基金會有限公司 , Mimi and Peter Haas Fund 咪咪及彼得 · 哈斯基金
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation 天使島移民站基金會 (AIISF) , Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 亞太裔傳統月 , Cameron House 金美倫堂 , Center for Asian American Media 亞美媒體中心 (CAAM) , Chinatown Community Development Center 華協中心 (CCDC) , Chinese Culture Center & Foundation of San Francisco 舊金山中華文化中心及基金會 (CCC) , Chinese for Affirmative Action 華人權益促進會 (CAA) , Chinese Historical Society of America 美國華人歷史學會 (CHSA) , Chinese Progressive Association 華人進步會 , Clarion Performing Arts Center 號角表演藝術中心 , Community Youth Center 社區青年中心 (CYC) , Kai Ming Rainbow Children’s Center Chinatown 啟明啟蒙學校彩虹分校 , I-Hotel Manilatown Heritage Foundation 國際旅館馬尼拉埠文化遺產基金會 , Self-Help For the Elderly 安老自助處 , San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA)
Curators 策展人: Candace Huey, Erina Alejo, PJ Policarpio & Sara Wessen Chang
Lead Producer 首席監製 : Joyce Mak
Programs 活動策劃 : Erika Pallasigue, Yunyi Zhang, Maria Palaroan, Linda Huang 黄辉玲, Kitty Teerling, Valerie Liu, Jasmine Liang, Lianne Hope, Brittany Gipson
Marketing & Communications 市場推廣及傳訊 : Linda Lui, Robyn Mallery
Design Concept by 設計概念由 Yangyifan Dong 及 Kaming Lee 提供
Jenny Leung, Stephen Gong, Hoi Leung, Justin Hoover, Edward Tepporn, Amy Zhou
Claudine Cheng, Sarah Wan, Eva Lee, Lily Lo, Clara Hsu, Brandon Jew, Calvin Yan, Cathie Lam, Tan Chow, Karen Chan, Shaw San Liu, Ka Yi Lau, Julie Charles, Doug Mei, Max Leung, Thúy Trần, David Tse, Korey Lee, Gladys Chiu, Herby Lam, Chinatown Merchants Association 華埠商人協會, Be Chinatown 美化華埠行動委員會, Mister Jiu’s, SF Central Station Police Station 華埠中央警局, Shared Spaces Program (JAM) 共享空間計劃