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Image of the artist Tsim Nuj
Our Queer HMoob Love Dance

Tsim Nuj Vang, Our Queer HMoob Love Dance 

In the video Our Queer Hmong Love Dance, tsim nuj examines HMong/Hmoob and queer identity through “hu plig,” a Hmong soul calling ritual in which souls are called home via song and dance. “Hu plig” rituals are acts of love, and engagement in these rituals create deep spiritual connections to ancestors, descendants, and community. This dance and movement video is tsim nuj’s love letter, or “love dance” to all those they honor, remember, and are grateful for. In their embodied movements, the artist creates individual moments, referred to as little “love dances,” which invites viewers to reflect on the meaning of ‘home’. Our Queer HMong Love Dance is a call to see, hear, know and love Queer and Trans HMong people. Furthermore, the artist hopes that these shared moments will provide opportunities to breathe, receive, and embody the well wishes of safety to anyone bravely continuing their journey towards ‘home’.

About Tsim Nuj Vang

Tsim Nuj Vang (they/them) is a HMoob, Queer child of refugees and descendant of shamans and healers. They are a dance artist and researcher. Located on Yokuts Land in the Central Valley, the Heart of Cali, their hometown is Merced. They are a recent alumni of UC San Diego (‘23) on Kumeyaay Land and received their Bachelors of Arts in Ethnic Studies and studied Dance extensively. Their passion for dancing, organizing, healing, and storytelling helps them dream, imagine, and build a better, more just, and liberated present and future. Tsim Nuj is inspired by the collective visions and actions of marginalized communities, transformative and healing justice, prison and police abolition, and movements of people power. They are committed to ensuring that their loved ones and communities can meet their basic needs. Working with Hmong Innovating Politics, they hope to facilitate moments for healing, rest, belonging and celebration through dance, and moving through the world with love, and care. 

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