Sylvia Hughes-Gonzales, Glimmerous
Sylvia Hughes-Gonzalez assembles objects associated with joy and celebration, such as metallic streamers, tropical foliage, and wildflowers, and combines them into abstracted sculptural installations often suspended in mid-air. Displayed out of context, alone and adrift on the breeze, these forms and materials become both beautiful and ghostly, suggesting a memory, a haunting, or a grief for times and lives past.
About Sylvia Hughes-Gonzales
Sylvia Hughes-Gonzales works in sculpture and social actions to address themes of celebration, destruction and the ways they intersect. She makes objects, installations and utilizes procession in urban spaces to explore invisibility, hospitality, loss, and the power of collective grief. She currently resides in Oakland, California.
Sylvia Hughes-Gonzalez收集與歡樂和慶祝相關的物品,例如金屬彩帶、熱帶樹葉和野花,並將它們組合成懸掛在半空中的抽象雕塑。作品無規則地展示,並隨風擺動,這種形態和物料既美麗又孤獨,代表著對過去的時光和生活的記憶揮之不去或悲傷。
Sylvia Hughes-Gonzales創作雕塑和致力於社會行動,來傳達慶祝、拆除以及它們相交的方式等主題。她製作物品、裝置並在城市空間中的遊行來探索隱形、款待、失落和集體悲傷的力量。她目前居住在加州屋崙。