Sierra Katow
Sierra Katow is a standup comic, writer, and actor. She recently shot her first hourlong standup special with Comedy Dynamics and can be seen playing Evangeline on Mindy Kaling's The Sex Lives of College Girls on Max. In the past, she was part of the main cast of The G Word with Adam Conover on Netflix and voiced characters for Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon. She has also written for shows like Exploding Kittens (coming soon to Netflix), Close Enough (Max), Earth To Ned (Disney+), and Eureka! (Disney+).
賽菈·卡托 (Sierra Katow) 是一位單口喜劇藝人、作家兼演員。她最近與美國最大的獨立喜劇製作兼發行公司「喜劇動態」(Comedy Dynamics) 拍攝了第一部長達一小時的個人單口相聲特輯,並且在 Max 串流媒體推出、由敏迪·卡靈 (Mindy Kaling) 主演的《女大學生的性生活/慾望女大生》(The Sex Lives of College Girls) 一劇中扮演伊万傑琳 (Evangeline)。 過去,她曾是 Netflix 製作的《The G Word with Adam Conover》影集的主要演員之一,並為迪士尼電影《尋龍使者:拉雅》(Raya and the Last Dragon) 中的角色配音。她還為即將在 Netflix 推出的《Exploding Kittens》撰寫劇本,其他編劇經歷包括Max串流媒體的《Clear Enough》、迪士尼+串流平台的《Earth To Ned》與《Eureka!》等節目。