Image Credits: Left, Patty Chang, "In Love" (2001) 3:28 minutes, Film Projection and Audio, Courtesy of Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Purchased with funds contributed by Janet Karatz Dreisen, 2002; Right, Patty Chang, "Contortion" (2000) 2:28 minutes, Film Projection and Audio, Courtesy of Patty Chang Studio.
Patty Chang
Patty Chang, In Love (2001) 3:28 minutes
Patty Chang's video explores the abstract boundaries of love, sacrifice, familial relations and inheritance. Played in reverse, the artist is seen locked mouths with her mother and her father. Tears stream simultaneously from their eyes, revealing they are eating an onion. In their embrace and collective survival, there exists sacrifice and struggle.
Patty Chang, Contortion (2000) 2:28 minutes
Patty Chang exaggerates the exotic stereotype of the Asian American woman as an acrobat in this playful film. The artist depicts herself adorned in red embroidered silk, reclining, performing tricks for the viewer. Another body is in collaboration with the artist to create this illusion of hyperflexibility.
張怡 | Patty Chang |《在愛裡——In Love》 (2001年作) 時長 3:28 分鐘
張怡 | Patty Chang |《柔術——Contortion》 (2000年作) 時長 2:28 分鐘
About Patty Chang
Patty Chang is a Los Angeles based artist and educator who uses performance, video, installation and narrative forms when considering identity, gender, transnationalism, colonial legacies, the environment, large-scale infrastructural projects and impacted subjectivities. Her most recent collaborative project, Learning Endings, is a multi-part interdisciplinary research that has surfaced amidst the overlapping contexts of climate crisis, threatened ocean ecosystems, and challenges to scientific expertise. It examines the work of scientists who perform necropsies of dead marine mammals as unacknowledged forms of attention and care, and explores how various kinds of art practice can support this care work. Her work has been exhibited at such institutions as the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Guggenheim Museum, New York; New Museum, New York; M+ Museum, Hong Kong; BAK, Basis voor actuele Kunst, Utrecht, and Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester, England. She teaches at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA.
張怡 Patty Chang 是一名洛杉磯藝術家兼教育家,透過表演、視頻、裝置以及敘事等表現形式來探討身份、性別、跨國主義、殖民遺產、環境、大型基礎設施項目以及受影響之主觀性等主題。近期投入的項目《Learning Endings》(學習收尾) 是一個多重領域的跨學科研究,針對已然浮出水面的問題進行探索,包括與氣候危機重疊、受威脅的海洋生態系統,以及對科學專業知識的挑戰。檢視科學家對死去的海洋哺乳動物所進行的屍檢工作,將其視為未被認可的關注與護理形式,並探討各種藝術創作能以何種形式來支持這種護理工作。張怡的作品曾在紐約現代藝術博物館;紐約古根漢博物館;紐約新美術館;香港M+博物館;荷蘭烏得勒支BAK當代藝術機構 Basis voor actuele Kunst,以及英國曼徹斯特華人當代藝術中心等機構展出。張怡現任教於加州洛杉磯南加大。