Paper "Money" Lei Activity
Friday, May 10th | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Artists: Lenna and Leilua Malieitulua

In honor of APA Heritage Month, Edge on the Square uplifts the diverse stories embedded in the artistic practices of SF Bay Area's APA communities ranging from tea leaf weavings to social justice activist photography. On May 10, 2024 from 6-9pm, cultural practitioners Lenna and Leilua Malieitulua will be leading a Paper "Money" Lei workshop inside Edge on the Square in partnership with Chinatown's Night Market. Making Malking Ti Lei and Haku (Tea Leaf Crown) for Pacific Islanders is a traditional cultural art form which symbolizes gratitude and appreciation for one another. It also symbolizes good luck and protection. Lenna and Leilua Malieitulua will be teaching visitors how to make Paper "Money" Lei using paper, tape, ribbon and beads.
Born in the Bay Area, Lenna Malieitulua is Samoan cultural practitioner who was raised in American Samoa and La'ie, HawaI'I, currently living and working in the Bay Area. Lenna creates spaces for sharing history and storytelling by leading workshops on making Leis and Haku. She often works with her daughter Leilua to present cross-generational stories and cultural traditions.
為慶祝亞太裔傳統月,藝在棱角透過三藩市灣區的亞太裔社群藝術,從茶葉編織到社會公義行動攝影,高舉深植其中的多元故事。2024年5月10日當天傍晚6時至晚上9時,文藝者 Lenna 和 Leilua Malieitulua 將與華埠夜市合作,在藝在棱角主持紙製「鈔票」花圈工作坊。製作朱蕉葉花圈(Ti Lei)和茶葉頭冠(Haku)是太平洋島民的傳統文化藝術形式,象徵對彼此之間的感激和欣賞之情,也有好運和保平安的意味。Lenna 和 Leilua Malieitulua 將會教授訪客以紙張、膠紙、絲帶和串珠,製作紙製的「鈔票」花圈。
Lenna Malieitulua 生於灣區,是薩摩亞文化從業者,成長於美屬薩摩亞和夏威夷萊以耶,現於灣區生活及工作。Lenna 透過主持朱蕉葉花圈和茶葉頭冠工作坊,創造分享歷史和故事的空間。她經常伙拍女兒 Leilua 講述跨代故事,呈現文化傳統。