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Collective Futures by Macro Waves
Visitors on Collective Futures by Macro Waves

Macro Waves Collective

Collective Futures

In response to our collective experiences navigating the ongoing global pandemic, Macro Waves reimagines a future that centers healing through community care. As we have re-emerged from shelter-in-place, back to the hustle of in-person life, how do we pause and re-gather what we have collectively experienced? The notion of collective care has been practiced by non-western communities for generations before self-care found its way into American culture. How can we become critical of the rhetoric around care when it is being used for profit? While caring for the self is fundamental to our collective well-being, when does the term self-care cause more harm than good? 

Macro Waves dives deeper into the practice of care through their latest project, Collective Futures, a multimedia art experience that focuses on the act of re-gathering, the point of re-entry, and the process of collective transformation. Through an immersive installation and a series of collaborative healing-based workshops, this project challenges our perceptions of individual experiences and transforms them into a shared process. Collective Futures invites viewers to re-gather through a multimedia-based interactive installation that utilizes haptic vibrational technology, known to invoke relaxation and alleviate stress. Visitors are welcome to collectively pause by sitting, laying, sharing, and interacting with the vibrating tactile installation while listening to accompanying audio that synchronizes with each vibration. The vibrations offer a holistic experience uniting the senses of touch, sight, and sound. By cultivating a collaborative culture of exploration, inquiry, and play within the healing process, this multimedia art experience will also act as a workshop space for collaborators to facilitate alternative healing modalities focused on sound, breathwork, meditation, and intergenerational wellness practices.

宏觀波浪 | Macro Waves |《集體未來——Collective Futures》

為回應我們應對當前全球大流行病的集體經驗,創意團體「宏觀波浪」Macro Waves 重新構思了一個以社區護理為中心的康復未來。當我們從居家隔離中重新走出來,回到喧囂的現實生活中時,我們又該如何停下來、重新集結大家共同經歷過的一切?在自我護理進入美國文化之前,集體護理的概念已被非西方社區世代相傳。當護理被用於營利時,我們又如何能夠批評有關護理的言論?雖然,照顧自我是集體福祉的基礎,然而「自我照顧」這個詞在什麼時候會弊大於利?


Macro Waves 通過他們的最新作品《集體未來——Collective Futures》更深入地探討護理治療。這是一項多媒體藝術體驗,重點關注重新聚集的行為、重新灌輸的觀點以及集體轉變的歷程。通過沉浸式裝置以及一系列以治療研討會為基礎的協作,該項目不僅挑戰我們對個人經歷的看法,並將其轉化作一場共享過程。《集體未來》邀請觀眾們通過以多媒體為基礎的互動裝置體驗重新聚集的感受,該裝置利用了很多人所熟悉的觸覺振動技術,此技術可讓人放鬆心情並緩解壓力。作品敬邀參觀者集體停留,與振動觸覺裝置互動——無論是坐下、躺著、抑或是分享,同時聆聽與每次振動同步的伴隨音頻。振動提供了將觸覺、視覺與聲音結合在一起的整體體驗。在「治療過程」中,如是多媒體藝術體驗除將培養探索、研究以及遊戲的協作文化,也將合作者的工作坊空間加以發展,促進以聲音、呼吸、冥想及代際健康治療為重點的替代治療作法。

Macro Waves thanks California Arts Council for their generous support.

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