LionDanceME, Performance
For the festival kick-off, LionDanceME will open with an energetic performance with the dancers' high flying acrobatics and stunning visual compositions. They will also close out the festival with their most advanced and high-risk act; dancers jump from poles that reach up to 2.5 meters high, conquering the most difficult challenge known to modern lion dance. Beautiful LED Lions and visual effects referencing the five elements will conclude the festival with a bang.
About LionDanceME
Founded in 2012, LionDanceME incorporates a mix of traditional and modern lion and dragon dance. Today LionDanceME has become a youth empowerment program that is taking the art of Lion & Dragon Dance to a whole new level, building talent, team work, and leadership skills while becoming a key contributor & advocate for the San Francisco community. They have been performing locally in San Francisco, all across the United States, and internationally. They are also known for their appearance on America’s Got Talent!
LionDanceMe將會用高空雜技,令人嘆為觀止的視覺效果,以一場充滿活力的表演為藝術節拉開序幕。他們同時亦會以技術要求極高和極具危險性的動作,為藝術節劃下完美的句點; 跳梅花樁是舞者在多條柱子上跳來跳去,高度可達2.5米,是現代舞獅上最困難的技術。舞獅身上掛滿璀璨的LED燈,加上美輪美奐視覺效果,呼應五大元素,以一個奪目醉人的表演總結一個難忘的晚上。
LionDanceME成立於2012年,融合了傳統與現代的舞龍舞獅。到了今天,LionDanceME 已成為一個培育和支持青少年的計劃,將舞龍舞獅這種藝術提升到另一個層面:培養人才、團隊精神和領導才能,不但為三藩市社區作出重要的貢獻,還積極為社區爭取應有的權利。他們一直在三藩市本地、全美以至國際間表演。他們也因參與美國達人秀而聞名!