Kim Ip
Planting Beneath Shade Trees
Planting Beneath Shade Trees is a collaborative dance work melding the intergenerational communities of Chinatown with the dance communities that Ip works with closely. Many of her dance collaborators also collectively organize an arts collective with her, Asian Babe Gang, wherein they curate art adjacent events that focus on cultural dialogues and belonging amongst Asian Queer Community.
《種植樹蔭下——Planting Beneath Shade Trees》是一部協作舞蹈創作,將唐人街的代際社區與編舞者 Kim Ip 所密切合作的舞蹈社區融為一體。許多舞蹈合作者與她共同組織了藝術團體「亞洲寶貝幫」(Asian Babe Gang),他們在其中策劃與藝術相近的各種活動,重點關注亞洲酷兒社區的文化對話及其歸屬感。
About Kim Ip
Kim Ip is a New Zealand born, Queer femme, first generation Chinese American choreographer and movement artist based in the Bay Area. Aesthetically, Kim’s choreography is inspired by femme fatales of film noir and video vixens of pop culture. The physicality of her choreography utilizes release floor work, hip hop, and contemporary dance. Thematically she creates work about gods, otherworldly creatures, and pop stars highlighting the rigidity of their roles in society and how they might be liberated through the act of dance and the cultural exchange that is live performance. Kim makes dance that intersects entertainment with cultural dialogue. She has received residencies from Shawl-Anderson Dance Center, SafeHouse, and CounterPulse. She has shown her work at Fort Mason Center for Arts and Culture, CounterPulse, B4BEL4B Gallery, and Gray Area. Kim is incredibly humbled and honored to be working alongside CMAC and the San Francisco Chinatown Community.
Kim Ip 是出生在新西蘭的酷兒女性,是為現居灣區的第一代美籍華裔編舞家兼肢體創作藝術家。從美學角度來說,Kim 的編舞靈感來自黑人電影中的蛇蠍美人以及流行文化中的「視頻潑婦」嘻哈流派。她的舞蹈編排運用了街舞地板操、嘻哈及現代舞。關於神、超凡脫俗的生物與流行歌星的創作是她常見的作品主題,強調他們在社會中角色的僵化,以及如何通過舞蹈行為和現場表演的文化交流來獲得解放。Kim 所創作的舞蹈結合了娛樂與文化對話。曾獲 Shawl-Anderson Dance Center、SafeHouse 與 CounterPulse 等組織單位的駐場培訓。曾在梅森堡藝術文化中心 (Fort Mason Center for Arts and Culture)、CounterPulse、B4BEL4B 畫廊以及 Gray Area 展出過作品。Kim 非常榮幸能夠與華埠藝術媒體合作社 (CMAC) 以及舊金山華協中心 (San Francisco Chinatown Community) 合作本項目。
This performance is part of The Nine Suns Dance Garden
Co-presented by Edge on the Square and Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco Supported by: Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Collaborators: Self-Help For The Elderly, Community Youth Center (CYC - including youth from Edge’s Rooting Between Time Youth Program)