Joshua Moreno, sediment sediments 路邊的情感
Inspired by the element of earth, Joshua Moreno will outline and mark objects found on the sidewalks of Chinatown, focusing on both permanent features like cracks and stains and ephemeral items such as fallen leaves. Joshua explores the significance of sidewalks as contemporary archaeological and geological sites within the urban landscape through the curious, playful markings. The sidewalks of Chinatown serve as repositories of community interactions and histories, offering unique insights into the cultural and social dynamics of the area. The chalk outlines serve as temporary markers of the passage of time, highlighting the diverse narratives embedded in daily life in Chinatown and general urban spaces. Visitors are invited to "find" all these whimsical and curious markings throughout Chinatown and to participate in outlining additional objects on the sidewalks and in Portsmouth Square.
About Joshua Moreno
Joshua Moreno’s work examines the overlapping relationship between the natural and human-made environment and highlights patterns and systems of efficiency that exist within them. Through installation, drawing, and film, Moreno re-evaluates the everyday spaces and objects that surround us, with added attention to elemental phenomena.
Born and raised in Watsonville, California, Moreno graduated from the University of California San Diego in 2011 with a BFA in Art Practice, and from Stanford University in 2022 with an MFA in Studio Art. Since 2012, he has been working in art education, teaching courses in art history, filmmaking, and art. Presently, Moreno teaches drawing courses at Stanford University.
Additionally, in the spring of 2020, Moreno co-founded an art collective called all of us with artists Brett Amory, Karla Centeno, Gabriella Grill, and Miguel Monroy.
受到五行元素“土”的啟發,Joshua Moreno將勾勒並標記在華埠行人道上發現的物體,特別是裂縫和污漬等永久的痕跡以及落葉等短暫停留的物品。Joshua透過有趣又好玩的標記,探索行人道作為城市景觀中當代考古和地質遺址的重要性。華埠的行人道是社區互動和歷史的寶庫,為社區文化和社會動態提供了獨特的見解。用粉筆來圈出物件,是時間流逝的臨時標記,突顯華埠和一般城市的日常生活中埋藏的多元故事。參加活動的遊客可在整個華埠「發掘」所有這些異想天開和有趣的標記,並可以沿途在其他行人道上和花園角找出其他物件。
Joshua Moreno的作品研究大自然和人造環境之間的重疊關係,並突顯當中存在的規律和有效的系統。透過裝置、繪畫和電影,Moreno重新評估我們周圍的日常空間和事物,並更加著重基本現象。
Moreno在加州Watsonville出生長大,2011 年畢業於聖地牙哥加大,主修藝術實踐;他後來繼續進修, 2022 年於史丹福大學取得工作室藝術的碩士學位。2012年至今,Moreno一直從事藝術教育工作,教授藝術史、電影製作和藝術等課程。目前,他在史丹福大學教授繪畫課程。
此外,2020 年春天,Moreno與藝術家 Brett Amory、Karla Centeno、Gabriella Grill 和 Miguel Monroy 共同創立了一個名為 “all of us” 的藝術團體。