Indira Allegra
TEXERE: Nine Letters
TEXERE: Nine Letters is a letter writing project where we as future ancestors weave together our advice and encouragement for future generations based on what we have learned from our experiences of loss. TEXERE is an art-based mental health platform that weaves digital memorial tapestries from words and images about people’s losses. “Texere” is a Latin verb that means “to weave”, and is where the words like “text” and “textile” come from. TEXERE: Nine Letters, recognizes the special relationship between the number nine in Chinese which sounds very similar to 久, jiŭ and can translate to the nine lettered English word 'longevity'. Over the course of the exhibition, participants of TEXERE: Nine Letters are invited to offer 9 images or text to the digital tapestry using texere.space online.
Select 'Create A Tapestry' and then 'Nine Letters | Edge on the Square' in the menu. Click on 'words' to offer writing or 'image' to upload a photo which represents something you have learned from your experiences of loss that you would want a future generation to know. New contributions to the tapestry are rewoven every minute and can be submitted from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.
Step inside Edge on the Square and discover the TEXERE: Nine Letters public letter writing alcove. Together, as future ancestors, we can offer great wisdom from our experiences of loss to generations yet to come and use this moment to create a glowing memorial of ourselves in the process.
《編織:九封信——TEXERE: Nine Letters》是個寫信計劃,讓我們以未來人祖先的身分,將我們種種關於「失去」的經歷交織成建議和鼓勵,給將來的世代作為借鏡。《編織——TEXERE》是一款以藝術為基礎的精神健康平台,利用人們各種有關「失去」的文字和圖像,編織出一條數碼紀念掛毯。「Texere」是一個拉丁動詞,意思是「編織」,也是英文「text」(即「文字」) 和 「textile」(「紡織」)等詞語的根源。《編織:九封信——TEXERE: Nine Letters》意識到,中文裡的數字「九」與「久」有特殊的同音關係,後者也可翻譯為用九個字母組成的英文字 longevity。本作品展出期間,我們會邀請參加者使用 texere.space 網站或掃瞄現場的二維碼,上載九張圖片或是九個字詞來製作數碼掛毯。
請在菜單點選「創作掛毯」,然後再點「九封信 | 藝在棱角」。按下「文字」鍵以開始寫作,或是按「圖像」鍵來上載你希望與下一代分享、有關「失去」的經驗。這道掛毯每分鐘都會利用新加入的材料重新編織一次,全日二十四小時開放予全球任何地方的人參與。
請踏進藝在棱角,投入《編織:九封信——TEXERE: Nine Letters》公開寫信計劃的暗室。我們作為未來人的祖先,相信對種種關於「失去」的經歷大有智慧。讓我們攜手給後代一點建言,亦藉這個時刻創造閃亮著我們自身回憶的紀念碑。