High Five
3rd Annual Contemporary Art Festival
Saturday, September 7, 2024
800 Grant Avenue and throughout Chinatown
*This event has passed
Edge on the Square (Edge) presents High Five: Exploring the Elemental Forces of Chinatown, its 3rd Annual Contemporary Art Festival on Saturday, September 7, 2024. This year's theme centers on the five elements: Earth 土, Fire 火, Metal 金, Water 水, and Air 气, and invites us to uncover new realms of Chinatown through the prism of these fundamental forces.
Five Chinatown alleyways and streets will represent an element that is interpreted by artists in their activations:
Earth 土 | Grant Avenue
Fire 火 | Waverly Place
Metal 金 | Ross Alley
Water 水 | Wentworth Place
Air 气 | Joice Street
The elements, symbolic of essential life forces in the universe, have profoundly influenced philosophy, sciences, medicine, military strategy, music, and many other fields. Working with Head Curator Candace Huey and esteemed guest curators, Aay Preston-Myint, Colin Kimzey and Trisha Lagaso Goldberg, the artists are prompted to explore how the elements address and illuminate diverse facets of history, culture and sense of place.
The festival artists are guided by questions: Why are the elements compelling? What is social about the elements, if at all? And how can exploring the elements reveal new dimensions of Chinatown and broader Asian American and Asian diasporic cultural experiences? Artists interpret the five elements through personal and collective narratives expressed via rituals, fantasies, social practices, mysticism, mythologies, and multimedia artforms including film, video projections, augmented reality, performance, sound, and dance.

High Five:探索華埠的五行力量
3:00 - 10:00 PM | 下午3時至10時
藝在棱角隆重呈獻一年一度的第三屆當代藝術節,今年的盛事將於2024年9月7日星期六登場,時間是下午3時至晚上10時。主題是High Five:探索華埠的五行力量。透過土、火、金、水和風,這五大元素的獨特視野,誠邀大家關注和探索華埠,並與這個特別的地方作深入的交流。
這五大元素代表著宇宙裏必不可少,賴以維生的力量,而且深刻地影響哲學、科學、藥物、軍事策略、音樂和其他領域的發展。在首席策展人許君瑜,與其他享負盛名的客席策展人:Aay Preston-Myint, Colin Kimzey和Trisha Lagaso Goldberg的帶領下,引導藝術家利用這五大元素來詮釋和點亮歷史的多元面貌、文化和歸屬感。
Festival Program
Earth 土 | Grant Avenue
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Festival Kick-Off with LionDanceME, Grant Avenue Follies, KOEX, and Audiopharmacy
4:00 pm - 6:00 pmWISH YOU WERE HERE by Ashwini Bhat
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sonic Histories with Chinatown Records by Yiu Yiu
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Harmony of the Earth by Minoosh Zomorodinia
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm loosing ground by redbeans
9:40 pm - 10:00 pm Closing Performance with LionDanceME
on-going activations: sediment sentiments by Joshua Moreno
A Quest for the Wood Dragon by Helen Shewolfe Tseng
6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 (AR experience) by Pour the Line x Jeffrey Yip
Water 水 | Wentworth Place
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm fragmented moon 🩸 🩸 🩸 blood vessel by uta tamate weiss & kai tseng
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm River of Life by Vida Kuang
7:30 pm - 10:00pm Pharos by Jerome Reyes
on-going activation: 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 (AR experience) by Pour the Line x Jeffrey Yip
Fire火 | Waverly Place
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Avenues, Alleys, and Alchemy!, High Five Panel Discussion on the elements, Feng Shui and Urban Planning Design, Willie “Woo Woo” Wong Clubhouse
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SKY MEDITATION by Gabby Miller
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm Returning by Eliza O. Barrios*
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Brute Force by Beast Nest
on-going activations: Homage to Manang Dulay by Charlene Tan
Wheel of Joy by Gabby Miller
Temari Workshop by Yoriko Yamamoto
6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 (AR experience) by Pour the Line x Jeffrey Yip
Metal 金 | Ross Alley
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm NONSPACE
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Sound bath by AstraLogik
on-going activation: 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 (AR experience) by Pour the Line x Jeffrey Yip
Air 气 | Joice Street
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Performance by champoy
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Performance by Nihar
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm GUILLOTINÆ WannaCry, Green: Savage on-going activations: Sauvage Salvaje by Sofía Córdova
Glimmerous by Sylvia Hughes-Gonzales
6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 (AR experience) by Pour the Line x Jeffrey Yip
Festival Curators:
Festival Food Vendors
Edge on the Square Acknowledges the Generous Support of 特別鳴謝下列單位慷慨支持:
California Governor Gavin Newsom 加州州長紐森
California Assemblymember Phil Ting 加州眾議員丁右立
California State Legislature 加州議會
California State Librarian 加州圖書館
San Francisco Mayor London Breed 三藩市市長布里德
San Francisco Board of Supervisors 三藩市參事委員會
San Francisco Arts Commission 三藩市藝術委員會
San Francisco Grants for the Arts 三藩市藝術補助金
San Francisco Foundation 三藩市基金會
Foundation for Quality Housing Opportunities, Inc. 優質住房機會基金會有限公司
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund 咪咪及彼得 · 哈斯基金
Zellerbach Family Foundation Zellerbach家族基金會
Richard and Tatwina Lee Family Fund


KML Associates
Renee Fung

Gallagher Insurance, Risk Management & Consulting
WuHoover & Co. LLP
Yee & Associates
Community Partners 社區伙伴
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation 天使島移民站基金會 (AIISF)
Cameron House 金美倫堂
Center for Asian American Media 亞美媒體中心 (CAAM)
Chinatown Community Development Center 華協中心 (CCDC)
Chinese Culture Center & Foundation of San Francisco 三藩市中華文化中心及基金會 (CCC)
Chinese for Affirmative Action 華人權益促進會 (CAA)
Chinese Historical Society of America 美國華人歷史學會 (CHSA)
Clarion Performing Arts Center 號角表演藝術中心
Community Youth Center 社區青年中心 (CYC)
I-Hotel Manilatown Heritage Foundation 國際旅館馬尼拉埠文化遺產基金會
Festival Team
Curator 策展人 : Candace Huey
Guest Curators: Aay Preston-Myint, Colin Choy Kimzey, and Trisha Lagaso Goldberg
Lead Producer 首席監製 : Amber Lee
Programs 活動策劃 : Erika Pallasigue, Elaine Fong
Marketing & Communications 市場推廣及傳訊 : Linda Lui, Robyn Mallery
Graphic Design Concept by 設計概念由 Yangyifan Dong 及 Kaming Lee 提供
Production Support: Rachel Halpert
Edge on the Square 藝在棱角: Joanne Lee, Peggy Lee, Linda Huang, Waymon Ng, Armaan Mumtaz
Edge on the Square Programs Committee藝在棱角策劃委員會
Jenny Leung, Stephen Gong, Hoi Leung, Abby Chen, Tan Chow, Edward Tepporn, Amy Zhou
Special Thanks To 特別感謝
Claudine Cheng, Sarah Wan, Eva Lee, Lily Lo, Clara Hsu, Brandon Jew, Calvin Yan, Cathie Lam, Tan Chow, Karen Chan, Shaw San Liu, Ka Yi Lau, Julie Charles, Doug Mei, Max Leung, Thúy Trần, David Tse, Gladys Chiu, Chinatown Merchants Association 華埠商人協會, Be Chinatown 美化華埠行動委員會, Mister Jiu’s, SF Central Station Police Station 華埠中央警局, Shared Spaces Program (JAM) 共享空間計劃