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Helen Shewolfe Tseng

Helen Shewolfe Tseng, A Quest for the Wood Dragon

A secret quest is woven into the grounds of the High Five festival. A trickster has stolen a powerful talisman from the Wood Dragon Temple. After shattering in transport, the charged elemental fragments threaten to destabilize the cosmic current. Search for clues and retrieve the lost fragments scattered across the festival map. Return them to the Temple to restore balance to the elemental forces, and you may find that Wood Dragon has a secret waiting for you too. 

About Helen Shewolfe Tseng

Helen Shewolfe Tseng is an interdisciplinary artist and designer based in San Francisco, whose work is informed by their ongoing practices with wildlife observation, folk spiritualities, experimental self-publishing, computational poetry, game design, and trickster studies. Helen is a 2023-24 San Francisco Arts Commission grantee and 2023 Rhizome microgrant awardee, and has previously been a 2023 Artist in Residence at Winslow House, a 2022 Thick Solidarity Resident at Montalvo Arts Center, the 2019 Design Fellow at Headlands Center for the Arts, and a 2018-2019 Fellow at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. In 2024, Helen joined the editorial collective for Taper, a browser-based literary journal for small computational pieces.

一個秘密任務來到Hi Five藝術節的場地。一個騙子從木龍廟偷走了一張強大的護身符。在運送途中被破壞後,帶電元素碎片可能會破壞宇宙電流的穩定性。尋找線索,並找回散佈在節目地圖上的遺失碎片。將碎片送回神殿以恢復元素力量的平衡,你可能會發現木龍也有一個秘密在等著你。

Helen Shewolfe Tseng來自三藩市,她是一位跨學科藝術家和設計師。她的作品源於對野生動物觀察、民間靈性、實驗性自我出版、電腦程式創作詩歌、遊戲設計和魔術師研究,多方面的持續實踐。Helen是2023-24 三藩市藝術委員會受助人和2023 年Rhizome 小額撥款的得獎者,2023年曾擔任Winslow House常駐藝術家、2022年擔任Montalvo藝術中心Thick Solidarity常駐藝術家、2019年在Headlands 藝術中心擔任設計研究員,以及在2018至2019年度擔任Yerba Buena藝術中心研究員。 2024 年,Helen 加入了 Taper 的編輯部,Taper 是一本以瀏覽器為基礎,專為小型作品而設的文學期刊。

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