Hang Huynh
Happiness of Being a Kid
Happiness of Being a Kid is a multimedia light and sound installation consisting of ceramic leaves painted with light sensitive pigments hung underneath a large-scale steel canopy frame. The clustered arrangement of ceramic leaves, when moved by the breeze or by hand, gently strike one another creating a tinkling sound that invokes both a feeling of serenity and playfulness. In detail, painted on each ceramic leaf is an illustration, drawing or message written by visitors and community members with wishes for joy, abundance and fun. In the evening, the installation will become activated via an illumination from UV lights. Huynh’s installation reminds us to immerse ourselves in play and playfulness surrounded by sound and visual delight.
Hang Huynh 的作品《作為孩童的幸福快樂——Happiness of Being a Kid》是一件多媒體燈光兼音效裝置藝術,由塗有感光顏料的陶瓷葉片所組成,懸掛於大型鋼製天篷框架下。陶瓷葉片呈簇狀排列,當微風吹過或用手碰觸時,會輕輕相互撞擊而發出叮噹聲響,喚起一種寧靜而俏皮之感覺。每片陶瓷葉的細節部份,都繪有遊客與社區成員們所創作的插圖、圖作或文字語句作為裝飾,表達對歡樂、富足與樂趣的祝願。本裝置作品在夜間時分將通過紫外線的照射而被激活。Huynh的裝置作品提醒我們沉浸在愉悅的音效視覺所包圍的嬉戲玩耍中。
About Hang Huynh
Hang Huynh is an interdisciplinary artist who immigrated from Sai Gon in 2009 and currently lives and works in San Jose. Huynh works in mixed media including oil painting, photography, and ceramics. Her process and practice often pulls from her personal biography, narratives, histories - both traumatic and healing moments - within and reflective of her immigrant experience. As a teaching artist and class coordinator for Chopsticks Alley Art, Huynh acknowledges and appreciates the beauty of Southeast Asian cultures. She earned the President's Scholar and Fine Arts Scholarship at San Jose State University in 2021. She is pursuing a BFA degree in Spatial art and a minor in Photography at San Jose State University.
Hang Huynh 是一位跨界藝術家,2009年從西貢移民,目前在聖何塞生活工作。Huynh從事包括油畫、攝影以及陶瓷的混合媒體創作,其過程與實踐常取材於個人的傳記、敘述與歷史——既具創傷性、亦有治癒性的時刻——從她的移民經歷中反映出來。作為筷子胡同藝術中心 (Chopsticks Alley Art) 的藝術教師兼班級協調員,Huynh認同欣賞東南亞文化之美。她於2021年在聖何塞州立大學獲得總統學術與藝術獎學金。目前正攻讀聖何塞州立大學空間藝術學士學位並且同時輔修攝影系。