Gabby Miller, SKY MEDITATION 《天空冥想》
Gabby Miller’s SKY MEDITATION will create a temporary refuge in the midst of bustling Chinatown. A platform will be available and an invitation will be offered for a guided meditation that invites passersby to “sky gaze.” In Dzogchen, a school of meditation in Tibetan Buddhism, sky gazing is a core practice. A platform will be available, inviting all to join a guided meditation that encourages sky gazing - a merging of the inner and outer sky. Nearby, a golden neon symbol of a Wheel of Joy spins continuously, melding the glow of the sun with the possibility of freedom for our minds. As the meditation begins, we are invited to sit or recline together, generating a momentary unity of practice that attunes us to a kind of fire energy, which generates heat and the awareness of being alive. Feeling the rhythm and warmth of heartbeats and blood and breath and sunlight, we blend.
About Gabby Miller
Gabby Miller moves through disciplines, space, and time, resisting strict categorization. She works with immersive installations, sculpture, performance, and long-term collaborative projects as experimental forms of engaging with the world. Her works propose relating with each other in compassionate and non-dualistic ways. Gabby delves into the circulation of myth, image, power, and blood, seeking to transmute inherited legacies of war and trauma into emancipatory modes of existence and understanding.
She has contributed to global projects and exhibited in unconventional spaces, such as a soon-to-be-demolished neighborhood in Hanoi and a container ship's swimming pool whilst crossing the Pacific Ocean.
Gabby Miller的《天空冥想》是一個位於三藩市華埠天后廟街的臨時避難藝術裝置。屆時將會建設一個平台,邀請路人參與一個由專人帶領的冥想,鼓勵大家一起「凝視天空」- 融合内心和外在的天空。在附近,一個歡樂輪(Wheel of Joy)的金色霓虹燈不斷在旋轉,將太陽的光芒與我們尋求心靈自由的可能性融為一體,再肯定自我。當冥想開始時,我們會邀請參加者坐或躺在一起,產生一種刹那間的團結,使我們與火的能量相協調。這種能量會產生熱量和活著的意識。感受到心跳的節奏與溫暖、血液、呼吸和陽光,我們融為一體。
Gabby Miller打破局限,穿越空間和時間,抵制强行的分類。她將沉浸式裝置、雕塑、表演和長期合作項目作為與世界互動的實驗模式。她的作品主打以同理心和非二元性的方式相互連結。Gabby深入研究神話、影像、權力和血液的流傳,務求將戰爭和創傷遺留下來的遺產轉化為解放性的存在和理解。