Erika Chong Shuch
For You The Welcoming: Back to The Great AAPI Elder Print Off
When reports of violent attacks against AAPI elders started to circulate at an alarming rate in 2021, we immediately thought of our own Asian immigrant parents and grandparents. As artists working in social practice and performance, we paired a national group of AAPI artists with AAPI elders associated with LBFE and other organizations. Those artists produced a homemade activist poster that amplifies their elder’s voice.
As part of the annual festival Under the Same Sun: Reimagining the Edges of Chinatown, For You will host a mini-parade performed by the public, and past participating artists and elders. We created the posters at a time when gathering in public was difficult and now we are excited to come together to amplify the participating elders’ voices in person.
獻給您——For You | 埃里卡·鐘·舒赫 (Erika Chong Shuch) 與瑞安·塔卡塔 (Ryan Tacata) 歡迎儀式:回歸“偉大的亞太裔長者”海報
2021年,當針對亞太裔老年人的暴力襲擊報導開始以驚人的速度傳播開來之際,能立即讓人聯想到自己身邊的亞裔移民父母與祖父母等家人之安危。作為從事社會實踐與表演的藝術家,我們集結了全國亞太裔藝術家團體與非牟利組織「小兄弟—長者之友」(LBFE) 以及其他與亞太裔長者相關的組織。這些藝術家們自製了一張活動海報,藉此創作來放大長輩們的心聲。
作為一年一度《在同一個太陽底下:重新想像華埠邊緣的集體解放》(Under the Same Sun: Reimagining the Edges of Chinatown) 藝術節的一部分,《獻給您——For You》將舉辦一場由公眾、過去參與的藝術家與長輩們所集合表演的小型遊行。我們在公開聚會曾經極其困難的時期製作了這些海報,現在我們很高興能聚在一起、親自為參與其中的長者們的發聲疾呼。
For You creates original, participatory performances that bring strangers together for intimate encounters. For You projects range from one-to-one performances to large-scale, evening-length theatrical works. Each performance is grounded in the lived experiences of participant-collaborators. Their works include First Things First (2019-20, the Momentary), Artists and Elders (2020-22), Dr. G.’s Bingo Extravaganza (2022, Oregon Shakespeare Festival), East of Pacific Audio Tours (2023, Cantor Art Center at Stanford University) and The Welcoming (2023-current).
《獻給您——For You》是一齣自編原創、參與性的表演,讓陌生人共聚一堂,進行親密接觸。《獻給你——For You》的項目,每場表演都以參與者和合作者的生活經歷為基礎,範圍從一對一表演、乃至大型夜間戲劇作品。舒赫與塔卡塔的作品包括:《要事第一》(“First Things First”, 2019-20年,the Momentary 現場音樂表演中心)、《藝術家與長者》(“Artists and Elders”, 2020-22年)、《G教授的賓果盛宴》(“Dr. G.'s Bingo Extravaganza”, 2022年,俄勒岡莎士比亞戲劇節)、《東太平洋音頻之旅》(“East of Pacific Audio Tours”, 2023年,斯坦福大學坎托藝術中心)以及《歡迎儀式》(“The Welcoming”, 2023年至今)。